Mission & Vision

For the environment...

Our work is only in a abundantly natural environment. We believe in devotion to nature and continually protecting it.

For society...

Society does not persist with companies that produce no value. We believe we exist to contribute to society.

For our customers...

We develop and deliver very valuable products in a timely manner in order to grow with our customers.  And, it is our duty to improve the standard of quality to deliver a more authentic product.

For our employees...

People working in order to pay back to the surrounding environment. In order to create more rewards, we continue to create a workplace in which to grow.

Our heart is in each piece.

Absolutely delivering one irreplaceable product to our customers and that is Totas' self imposed mission.  We want to deliver the required material, when it is needed and not disappoint our customers shipping the wrong or defective product. With that in mind, we thoroughly operate our inventory management with on time inventory and accurate replenishment timing.  And, we thoroughly inspect to deliver undamaged product in order to avoid a stoppage in our customer's operations.

Since 2000, Totas has completely illuminated the inside of its warehouse, using a special fluorescent light with film to prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging material along with a "prohibition of smoking in the warehouse" and "wearing shoes designated to be worn in the warehouse only".  Keeping in mind that dirt from hands can blemish material, staff wash their hands before handling shipments and after receipt of goods. This may be particular, but is an absolutely necessary process in order to ship clean material to our customers.

Totas celebrated its warehouse's 20th anniversary, with our supplier's and customer's continued support.  We think of this new start, more than ever, working to develop nice products and highly precise product inspection.  And, thinking from our customer's perspective about new services we currently do not have, will proceed accordingly. 

Recently, Totas is making various efforts, more and more prioritizing issues effecting the work place environment.

First, agreeing to the "Team minus 6%" promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, we implemented a rule that staff are highly conscious of to diligently reduce lighting inside the warehouse and addressed setting the air conditioning in each area to a constant temperature.  Also, covering all work places with 8000Kw of green energy (bio mass generation), about 10% of the 800,000 Kw per year used in all work places, using Japan Natural Energy's "Green Power Certification System".

Furthermore, we reduce waste by reusing shredded paper to pack products in.  Additionally, we reuse over 3 tons of disposed sponge sheet as the raw material for recycled sponge developed with our sponge manufacturer.  This is probably the first to be tried and believe will have a ripple effect in the world and other foreign manufacturers.  And, along with sponges and jerseys constructed with wet suit materials, Totas has aggressively adopted the reuse of recycled jerseys and we plan to increase the usage of these items.

With global warming, water levels rising and beaches eroding, surfers are robbed of their waves. And, rising water temperatures are killing the coral, and divers are losing the natural beauty of the ocean they love.  We are dealing with this problem as one of the business operators whose future is closely related to the marine environment.  If we just do it ourselves, the results would be meager.  But, Totas' mission is that if more than one person can impact the environment, the advancing global warming clock can be turned back even 1 second.